Welcome to AAFA

Do you want the highest living standards ever achievable and the best lifestyle possible, free of charge? Then you want a Resource Based Economy (see video below).

Access Abundance For All – revised is an updated version of the original AAFA documentary. The old introduction has been replaced, and four new sections providing crucial evidence of crimes against humanity have been added.

In a Money Based Economy it is statistically impossible for the majority of the World’s people to ever become wealthy. Regardless of this fact, most people still believe that if they try hard enough they’ll become rich. Again, this is incorrect. Hundreds of years of psychological conditioning (brainwashing) has kept this belief system going. But if you take the time to do the research, you’ll discover that money is the number one enabler of exploitation. The proof is all around us. Poverty, war, crime, environmental damage, and greed can all be successfully traced back to money.

As a Resource Based Economy does not use money, there is no motivation for behaviours that result in negative outcomes.

The defining features of a Resource Based Economy are:

1) Declaring all of the World’s resources as common heritage to all of the World’s people.
2) A guarantee of the highest living standards ever achieved on Earth.
3) Building clean energy, fully automated, sustainable cities.
4) Repairing environmental damage caused by the money-based market economy.
5) No Greed
6) No War
7) No Poverty
8) No Pollution
9) No Inequality
10) No Money, Credit, or Debt

11) An end to almost all crimes
12) Free Education
13) Free Housing
14) Free Food & Drink
15) Free Healthcare
16) Free Travel
17) Free Vehicle Access
18) Free Recreation Access
19) All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are declared public domain for the benefit of all people.
20) Those with experience or talents are free to contribute to society, and if they enjoy teaching they can also choose to impart their knowledge to other interested people.

This high level of efficiency is achievable via full automation of all boring, repetitive, and dangerous tasks, once done by people. Enabling us to arrive at an access abundance for all economy, providing essential life supporting goods and services to all the World’s people.

Rapid development of all scientific and technological ideas, research, and inventions is only possible under a Resource Based Economy due to the fact that all of this would be open-source and public domain.

The current monetary system that we live in at the moment develops these things in slow motion due to proprietary lock-down, patents on inventions, and small development teams as a result of predatory competition.

A Resource Based Economy signifies a profound change, in that every single person on the planet would live better than the wealthiest people of today.

Homes for all people – free in a Resource Based Economy
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